Sunday 15 April 2012

Hey everyone this is me again fanguin4 now i am going to show you that how to get Glowbie buddy and Glowbie Guardian badge on to get them just follow these steps:Here is the picture how they look like:

Open your map on the right hand side of your screen.
Now click on Alpha Launchpads to go there.
After reaching there click on the button and go inside your star jet and fly upwards to space.
When you will reach to space go ahead toward crystal planet and land on there.
When you will reach to the crystal planet, then go inside the crystal cave.
 If you haven't seen the crystal cave from inside.Here is the picture how it looks like from inside.
After reaching to the crystal cave go ahead and go inside the underwater room.Which is located in the inside of cave.
Then go  inside it and you will see  this.
Now you have to go ahead until it ends.
Then you will reach to a room and get a message from the Professor Q saying that you have to feed glowbies some gems.
After this message go to the gems icon given near your typing bar and then click on the gems you want to feed them.
And here are some another messages you will get.

Now your glowbie will follow you and you have to guide him.
What you have to do is you have to go back again where you came from.
When you again reach to the underwater cave room you will get another message from Professor Q this time  he wants to tell you that your glowbie gets scare from the wild plants and snappers.
Then go ahead towards the crystal cave from where you came.
After reaching to the crystal cave you will see that your glowbie is getting power from the crystal and its growing.

When he will grow fully then you will get another message from Professor Q saying well done to you.
Then move out from the crystal cave .
And then:
Now you will see that you have got some new badges :D


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